English introduction of Lulu Wang, author in Dutch and Chinese

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English introduction of Lulu Wang (based on Wikipedia)

Lulu Wang was born on 22 December 1960 in Beijing, China. Her mother was a teacher of literature and her father is also an intellectual. At Peking University, Wang studied subjects including English language, literature and linguistics. After graduation, she taught at the university before moving to the Netherlands in 1986, at the age of 26; there she taught Chinese at the Hogeschool Zuyd in Maastricht.

Writing career

In 1997, she published her semi-autobiographical debut novel, Het Lelietheater (“The Lily Theatre”), which is strewn with Chinese-language proverbs and rhymes, written in Dutch, and later translated and published the of language of 28 countries. The novel sold over 800,000 copies in the Netherlands and earned her the Gouden Ezelsoor in 1998 for the bestselling literary debut work; the following year, it won a prestigious International Nonino Prize at the Salzburg Easter Festival. In 1997, she was noted to be the best-selling Dutch-language author. In 2000 her novel The Lily Theatre appeared in the famous list of the New York Times ‘Honderd and One Most Readable Books of the Year’.

“For a while, her name was virtually the only one an average Dutch reader could produce when asked to name a Chinese writer.”

Her 2010 novel, Wilde rozen is, like her debut, a book based on her life in China; this time, the main character is twelve-year-old Qiangwei, who grows up during the Cultural Revolution. Wang called it her most personal book yet. In 2012, she published Nederland, wo ai ni, a book app containing animations, music, and a discussion forum, also available as an e-book; it was later published in a printed version as well. A second book app was published in 2013, Zomervolliefde, a bilingual Dutch and Chinese publication including poems, illustrations, a song, and a short movie.

In addition to being a best-selling author, Wang works as a columnist for the international Chinese-language magazine World Affairs (Chinese: 世界知识, pinyin: Shìjiè Zhīshì). Lulu Wang gives often lectures about the Chinese culture and cultural differences between Europe and China. In this way she tries to bring more understanding between the two parts of the world.


Gouden Ezelsoor (1998)
International Nonino Prize (1999) at the Salzburg Easter Festival

Selected works

(1997) Het lelietheater (The Lily Theatre)
(1998) Brief aan mijn lezers (Letter To My Readers)
(1999) Het tedere kind (The Tender Child)
(2001) Het Witte Feest (The White Party)
(2001) Seringendroom (Lilac Dream)
(2002) Het Rode Feest (The Red Party)
(2004) Bedwelmd (Intoxicated)
(2007) Heldere Maan (Bright Moon)
(2010) Wilde rozen (Wild Roses)
(2010) Lotusvingers (Lotus Fingers)
(2012) Nederland, wo ai ni (Netherlands, Wo Ai Ni)
(2013) Zomervolliefde (Summer Full Love/爱满夏天)
(2014) Adam en Eva in China (Adam and Eva in China)
(2015) Levenlangverliefd (Life Long in Love /情燃毕生)

(2016) Chineeslekker (Chinese Delicious)

(2018) Nederwonderland (Netherwonderland)

Cultural ambassador Lulu Wang

By Elsbeth van Paridon

China.org.cn, April 1, 2014

Dutch-Chinese author Lulu Wang is a true Beijinger by birth. She was born in the Chinese capital on Dec. 22, 1960, and moved to The Netherlands in 1986. Her big literary break came when she published “The Lily Theater,” giving an accurate and detailed account of the author’s childhood and teenage years, in 1997, selling almost 1 million copies in The Netherlands alone. The debut also gained her several awards, including the 1999 International Nonino Prize. Ever since she tasted that first bite of success, Wang has continued publishing novels, short stories and poetry on a regular basis.

Schrijfster Lulu Wang.(Den Haag 10-08-10)Foto:Frank Jansen

Lulu Wang, Beijing-born, Holland-resident (and successful) author.

Aside from her many literary efforts, Wang has ventured into the fields of publishing in recent years, Lulu Wang Publishing (2012), short films and book apps. One example of the latter, at the same time adding a new twist to her writing, was her 2013 publication “Summer full of Love” (originally called “Zomervolliefde” in Dutch or “爱满夏天” in Chinese).

The work was a bilingual (Dutch-Chinese) multimedia book application featuring short poems about love, a song and a short film. Nevertheless, this was not by any means Wang’s first multi format release; in 2012, she became one of the first literary authors to release a full-on interactive multimedia publication in the form of “Holland, wo ai ni” (originally “Nederland, wo ai ni”) on both the national and international level.

At this very moment, Wang is putting the final touches on her soon to be released (March 2014) “Adam and Eve in China” (originally “Adam en Eva in China”), a non-fictional work in which she promises “to add two new dimensions fans may not be expecting from her.” The work will become available as a free e-book, and will also be offered in other formats.

Since 2013, Wang returned to her birth roots and took up a column for the leading Chinese magazine Shijie Bolan, a publication discussing all that lies abroad. From August last year onwards, she could add Shijie Zhishi magazine to that list as well. For both magazines, Wang mainly discusses life, and all it entails, in Holland and Belgium.

Aside from the books, short films, poems, columns and all the other items mentioned above, Wang is also active in the field of lecturing, giving various lectures about Chinese culture, the (possible) cultural differences between The Netherlands and China and related topics. In doing so, Wang hopes to forge a bridge between Western and Chinese cultures. I for one look forward to reading what Adam and Eve will get up to in China. Beijing, in Wang you have found a true multinational and multi-faceted ambassador.