Culinaire columnist / journalist Onno Klein en Lulu Wang geven een lezing samen met docenten gastronomie in Hotelschool Amsterdam op wo. 31 mei 2017

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Hieronder is de aankondiging

Dear students of Gastronomy,

Wednesday 31 May we will meet in the Amsterdam Campus auditorium at 9:20 for the culinary discovery trip through both ends of the gastronomic world, where Onno Kleyn and Lulu Wang will explore, together with you, if the first line of Rudyard Kipling’s poem the Ballad of East and West applies:

Oh, East is East and West is West, and never the twain shall meet

Or that it is really more like further on in the poem:

But there is neither East nor West, Border, nor Breed, nor Birth

We expect you to actively take part in this discussion and to kindle the flame of discourse I invite you to read the attached article and bring some strong opinions to the discussion.

Looking forward to meeting you all on 31 May.

Best regards,

Mark Koning

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