English synopsis about Holland, wo ai ni (Holland, I Love You)

Holland, Wo Ai Ni *
© Lulu Wang

In 1986, at the age of twenty-five, Qiangwei emigrated from China to The Netherlands. The change in countries was nothing compared to the change in cultures. Surviving an avalanche of differences in day-to-day living experiences became her first fulltime job. Hilarious misunderstandings and ruminations thereon provide a Chinese perspective on Dutch manners, customs and idiosyncrasies.

East is East, West is West.
Each stays in its own Nest.
But when they collide,
Laughter they will surely provide.

*Title of the book translates as ‘Holland, wo ai ni’ (Holland, I Love You)

Genre: Comedy
Number of pages: 80
Full color illustrations by © Xiaoling.Huang
Publishing House Lulu Wang
Published on 9 June 2012

For the first time Lulu:
– writes a book based on her experiences in the Netherlands
– her novella consists of short stories which form a coherent sequence, and Lulu calls it an „E-format”
– challenges herself by applying a short but sweet sentence structure, unfamiliar in her former ornamental literary style, thereby creating her own „E-style”.
– publishes her own book
– offers her novella in Holland temporarily only as e-book and book-app, „E-only”
– foreign rights for the paper book edition directly possible
– works with creative digital innovators

Lulu Wang was born in Beijing, in 1960. She has now lived in The Netherlands for 25 years, and had huge success writing about her experiences:
• The Lily Theatre, 1997, now published in over 26 countries
• Letter To My Readers, 1998
• The Tender Child , 1999
• The White Feast, 2000, also published in Italy