Experience Van Gogh together with Lulu Wang and Two Dutch artists / 在中荷双语作家王露露内容介绍和两位荷兰现代画家的陪同授课下参观梵高旧居和体验梵高画布上的自然和艺术氛围

Introduction / 介绍

A day in the footprints of Van Gogh in the guidance of two Dutch painters / 与两位荷兰当代画家一起跟随梵高的脚印看梵高眼里的荷兰, 这两位现代画家是:

Laura Emmen (mainly portret painter) / 劳拉-艾门(主要画肖像)

and Frans Ermens* (mainly landscape painter) / 和富朗斯-艾尔门* (主要画山水).

Special features / 这个旅游线路的主要特点

1. We shall not only visit the birthplace of the world famous painter Van Gogh, the church where the father of Van Gogh worked as a reverend, but we shall also enjoy lunch and dinner in a traditional Dutch cafe and restaurant, which are often inspired Van Gogh te paint his masterpieces / 我们将参观梵高住所博物馆和梵高父亲所谓牧师工作过的古老教堂。 我们也将在风景怡人的在典型的荷兰酒吧和餐厅就餐, 这些建筑和风景均为梵高的创作源泉。

2. We shall ‘work’ as Van Gogh. Frans Ermens shall give you a workshop of painting and Laura Emmen shall invite you to her studio. There you can see and hear how a modern Dutch painter works, lives and dedicate her life to the passion for art. / 我们将 ‘像梵高一样‘ 作画。 荷兰当代画家富朗斯-艾尔门将给您上油画课,您可以亲笔画一张属于您的油画作为此次独特之旅的珍贵留念。 荷兰当代画家劳拉-艾门将带您参观她的画室并给您讲解。 在那里您可以看到荷兰当代画家如何作画,工作,生活,观察和体验生活之美。您还可以向这位画家提问题。

3. Lulu Wang shall provide you with an interesting Chinese article illustrated with photo’s, about every place that you shall visit on this day: its historical, cultural and artistic background and the differences in culture between China and the Netherlands. In this way you can understand and appreciate more what you see and hear on this onforgettable day. / 中荷双语作家王露露讲为您提供她撰写的您在这条旅行路线上所参观的每个景点介绍文章,帮助您从历史,社会,民俗,艺术等角度更全民和深刻地了解您的所见所闻。

4. For a group of 14 or more people, Lulu Wang shall give you a lecture in Chinese and tell you personally about every place that you shall visit on this day. / 如果旅游团有十四或更多人,王露露将亲自为游客做讲座,向您介绍您在这条旅行路线上所参观的每个景点,帮助您从历史,社会,民俗,艺术等角度更全民和深刻地了解您的所见所闻。

5. This day is not only for visiting expositions, but also for experiencing and making art and for personal communication with Dutch artists and people. / 您不仅参观景点,而且您体验艺术,亲手绘画并,走入当代荷兰画家的画室,与他们零距离接触,交流思想, 从而深入了解荷兰。

Size of groups / 组团人数

6-14 people /溜到十六人

Program / 具体行程

10:00 – 11.30 hours / 10.00 至 11.30

We shall visit “ The Van Goghhouse” in Zundert. There we can hear through an audiotour the stories of Van Gogh and see with our own eyes the things that had played an important role for him during his younger years. Then we shall visit the old church where the father of Van Gogh worked as a reverend. /我们参观位于布拉邦特省孙德特地区的梵高住所博物馆。 我们通过英文的录音导航了解梵高在这里的生活, 通过展览我们可以看到一些对梵高艺术创作影响极大的方方面面。

11.30 – 13.00 hours / 11.30 至 13.00

We shall drive in the beautiful landscape of Zundert, that inevitably inspired the masterpieces of Van Gogh, to an authentic traditional cafe. There we shall enjoy a Dutch lunch and have walk in the picturesque surroundings. / 我们坐车去一家环境优美的典型,独特而古老的荷兰咖啡厅享用午餐,并沿途观赏孙德特地区如画的自然风景, 体验梵高眼中和画布上的大自然。

13.00 – 15.30

Frans Ermens shall give you a workshop in oil painting. He shall teach you some basic techniques of oil painting. Then you can work on your own painting, which you can bring home to China as a invaluable memory. If the group has 14 people, Lulu shall give a lecture about every place that you shall visit on this day: its historical, cultural and artistic background and the differences in culture between China and the Netherlands. In this way you can understand and appreciate more what you see and hear on this onforgettable day. Attention, please take old clothes with you, because painting an oil painting can stain you clothes. / 富朗斯-艾尔门将给您上油画课,您可以亲手画油画, 您还可以将(也许是您平生第一个作品)带回祖国,作为美好的纪念。 如果旅游团有十四或更多人,王露露将亲自为游客做讲座,向您介绍您在这条旅行路线上所参观的每个景点,帮助您从历史,社会,民俗,艺术等角度更全民和深刻地了解您的所见所闻。(注意: 请带一件旧衣服,因为画油画会把衣服弄脏。)

15.30 – 17.30 hours / 15.30 至 17.30

We shall visit the studio of the painter Laura Emmen. She shall show you around and tell you about her work and life as painter. In this way you shall not only get to know the life of immortal Van Gogh but also the life of a modern Dutch painter. After her speech you can converse with her, about art and life. / 荷兰当代画家劳拉-艾门将带您去她的画室参观。 她将告诉您她如何工作,并作为画家谋生计。这样您不仅能了解不朽的艺术巨匠梵高的的生活和工作,也能看到他现代的同行如何前仆后继。

17.30 – 19.30 hours / 17.00 至 19.30

We drive to Hotel Mastbosch in Breda. This hotel is situated next to a forest, where you can relax and have a walk. We shall first have an drink and then we enjoy the royal diner ‘Menu of Nassau’. / 我们坐车到附近的著名城市布雷达市,我们在坐落于森林旁边的优雅的马斯特博思酒店进晚餐,品尝名叫 ‘ 纳梢菜谱’的皇家菜肴。

We say good-bye to each other. Then we can take the train or car to go another city or place to stay overnight or stay overnight in Hotel Mastbosch – if you stay here, tomorrow you can visit the old and charming city-center Breda. Till next time! / 餐后我们可以坐火车或乘汽车去另一个地方过夜,也可以在这家酒店过夜, 如果您在这里过夜,您明天可以游览美丽的布雷达古城。 我们互道珍重,再见!

* The artists who corperate with our program may vary. / * 画家可根据情况更换。