Weer een initiatief ter bestrijding van geheim geweld

Een paar dagen geleden ontving ik onderstaande mail. Lijkt mij een goed initiatief.
De mail luidt:
Dear Friends,
Please join us for a fantastic evening of fun for a very worthwhile cause!
(Friday 20th April 2012)
“DANCE as if nobody is watching, SING as if nobody is listening and most of all LAUGH, because a good time to laugh is anytime.” This is the theme for an evening of entertainment, singing and dancing organised by Australian expat and local Wassenaar resident Carol Jabbour with all profits going to the charity, Stichting Geheim Geweld (Hidden Violence Foundation)
Great entertainment will be enjoyed during the evening. Pallas van Kroft – Sluyter, a dancer, teacher and choreographer will bring a wonderful sense of fun as she demonstrates and inspires you to dance some funky dance moves, whilst Gerardo Rosales, a master percussionist in Latin Jazz, Salsa and Cuban rhythms will have you grooving to the Latin beat!
The evening will provide delightful guest entertainers. Among others, Amsterdam based dancer/choreographer, Jelle Van Vlierberghe will perform his dynamic modern/jazz/tapdance solo entitled ‘Euphoria.’
Hameedo Lakho, director of Stichting Geheim Geweld, will also be giving a short presentation on the evening.
“We hope that this fun evening of dancing, singing and laughter will evoke a social connection which we can channel towards a good cause to help generate social awareness,” Carol Jabbour said.
A number of local organisations including Xtreme Fit, Pallas Dance Studio, Beamerhuren, and Levende Kunst are also providing their generous support and services for this worthwhile cause.
Founded in 2005, Stichting Geheim Geweld is a Not for Profit organisation that aims to raise awareness and help victims of child abuse.
“We are thrilled to organise this event to help raise money and awareness for Stichting Geheim Geweld and we are asking locals and expats alike to come and enjoy the evening to benefit a great cause” said Carol Jabbour.
Friday, 20 April, 2012
(doors open at 20:00) ’til late
Dr. Mansveltkade 11
2242-TZ, Wassenaar
€12 includes 2 Free Drinks
(Wine/Soft Drink)
Tickets at Xtremefit Reception
R.S.V.P. and Contact:
Carol 06 23 29 74 65
In the attachments please see:
1) flyer for the Dance, Sing, Laugh event, and
2) article about Stichting Geheim Geweld.
Here below , also see links for t.v. commercials for the foundation.
Please also check in our FaceBook event page for updated details on the entertainment and the evening at :
Feel free to pass this invitation along to your friends and those interested in your network. Thank you!
Hope to see you there!
Warm regards,